The New Buzzword - ‘Metaverse’ For The B2B Fashion And Textile Industry
Since the past few years, Technological advancement has attained a new buzzword “Metaverse”. It is now being hailed as the next big innovation while also receiving criticism for being overhyped and overpromised, specifically in context of Future Fashion and 3D Apparel. It appears to be everywhere and nowhere at the same time. Which end of the spectrum is closer to reality, and what precisely is the metaverse? Metaverse is essentially a virtual-reality space which simulates a real or imagined computer-generated environment. A user can interact with this environment and other users, as if physically present. The simplest way to understand the terminology is to witness it by diving in as an immersive digital version likely rendered by virtual or augmented reality. This alt version is what we call an ‘Avatar’. Creating an avatar is imperative We all live in two realities today: the physical and the digital. Although we easily switch between the two, we view these as independent entiti...